Same Sky Adds New Hollow Shaft Ring Encoder Models

Same Sky Adds New Hollow Shaft Ring Encoder Models


Same Sky's Motion and Control Group today announced the addition of hollow shaft ring encoders to its line of panel mount incremental encoders. The RING family of hollow shaft mechanical encoders is housed in packages from 23 mm up to 56.5 mm with low profile designs from 9.5 mm up to 20 mm. Offering hollow shaft diameters from 9 mm up to 38.5 mm and shaft lengths from 5 mm up to 15.5 mm, these ring encoders are ideal for a range of applications, including industrial and commercial equipment, home appliances, and more.

These hollow shaft ring encoders feature 5 Vdc input voltages, 1 to 10 mA current consumption, single-ended quadrature outputs, and resolutions from 10 to 20 PPR. The models further carry operating temperature ranges from -30 to 80°C, haptic detent feedback, and rotational life cycle ratings of 30,000.

The RING models are available immediately with prices starting at $2.24 per unit at 100 pieces through distribution. OEM価格についてはSame Skyまでお問い合わせください。

For helpful resources and tools on encoders, check out Same Sky's Resource Library that houses a range of blog posts, videos, and more.

製品名:Ring Encoders
納期: 12週間
対象ユーザー: Industrial and commercial equipment, home appliances, and more
主な特長: Hollow shaft, low profile designs, and haptic detent feedback
コスト: $2.24 per unit at 100 pieces through distribution
